Make an Appointment with Dr. Andrulonis!
Dr. Ryan Andrulonis is accepting new patients! Dr. Andrulonis has been a part of the DuBois Dermatology and Cosmetics since the summer of 2016. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, he has made DuBois his home with his wife Kate, two sons Bryce and Calvin and dog, Ace.
Dr. Andrulonis wants to help you with any dermatology questions you may have or services/procedures you need.
If you schedule an appointment at DuBois Dermatology and Cosmetics, you will receive a 35% discount on our Elta MD Skincare SPF 47 for face and body! This amazing sunscreen can be yours for only $15! Also with your purchase of the sunscreen you will receive a FREE sun hat (while supplies last) for the upcoming hot summer days!
Lastly you will get the opportunity to get $10 spray tans for one year! Spray tans normally are $25 but with a yearly checkup with Dr. Andrulonis or Dr. Pfingstler, you can get all your spray tans for $10! You will enjoy a customized spray tan in our VersaSpa and safely step inside the future of sunless tanning! This is no ordinary sunless booth! VersaSpa combines innovation after innovation to transform your skin in just minutes. Bronze, hydrate, and smooth fine lines in one session, safely!
Making an appointment with us online or by phone! Call us at 814-371-SKIN (7546) or click the “Request a Consultation” button at the top of the page to fill out the short contact form and we will contact you
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