February Special 2020

Chocolate Facial

Did you know that CHOCOLATE is good for your skin!?

Made from antioxidant-rich cocoa, chocolate has become known for its heart-healthy benefits. The sweet stuff contains flavonoids, which help your skin protect itself from UV damage (hello, fewer wrinkles) fight free radicals (so long, sun spots) and increase blood flow (i.e. dewy glow!). But that doesn’t mean you can skip the sunscreen!

As we all know, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Here at DDC we want you to indulge in our Chocolate Facial!

Let our Esthetician relax you into 30 minutes of cocoa heaven that will benefit your skin by protecting it from UV rays which can cause wrinkles and free radicals which can damage the collagen of your skin creating sun spots.
For the month of February this 30 minute scrub is ONLY $75. Expires 2/29/2020

If you are interested in our February special or have any questions please call 814-371-SKIN or click the “Request a Consultation” button on the top of the page. We will get back to you as soon as we can to answer any questions and schedule you an appointment.

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