Dermatology and COVID-19
As we continue to learn new things about the novel virus, COVID-19, we are now discovering dermatologic manifestations of the virus. Everyone is well aware of the common COVID-19 symptoms of cough, fever and shortness of breath. The CDC continues to add new symptoms to the list such as mental confusion and loss of taste or smell. Recently, dermatologists have been reporting some skin findings associated with the virus as well. Case reports conclude there are particular rashes that are the result of COVID-19, and in some cases, the only symptom.
Reports from countries including Thailand, Italy, France and England, have shown nonspecific rashes such as Dengue-fever like rash, ivedo reticularis, morbilliform rash (similar to medication induced rashes), chicken-pox like rash, and most widely reported perino like lesions, dubbed “COVID toes.”
“COVID toes” is the term used to describe a particular rash that appears on fingers and toes with painful or itchy, violaceous, dusky spots and potentially blisters. This resembles a condition known as pernio that typically occurs when blood flow to the extremities is diminished. “COVID toes” occur mostly in children, especially adolescents, who are otherwise asymptomatic. There also have been reports of this finding preceding the flu-like symptoms, and being a late manifestation, after the flu-like symptoms.
As our country begins to enter the re-opening phases, it is vital that we stay informed on the potential signs and symptoms of this virus. People who exhibit rash like symptoms should seek care from their healthcare provider. In efforts to maintain social distancing practices, dermatology visits can be done completely online from the comfort of your own home. You may call our office at 814-371-SKIN(7546) to inquire about televisits done by our board-certified dermatologists and physician assistant.
By: Dr. Lisa Pfingstler and Dr. Ryan Andrulonis
of DuBois Dermatology and Cosmetics
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