August 2019 Special
50% off laser hair removal for underarms and bikini area!
Half off single laser hair treatment or a bundle (3 treatments) for your underarms, entire bikini area or bikini line! This only lasts through August!
Entire Bikini Area regular price: $225 per session or bundle (3) for $625
Sale Price! $112.50 single session or one bundle (3) for $312.50
Bikini line or Armpits regular price: $150 per session or bundle (3) for $400
Sale Price! $75 single session or one bundle (3) for $200
FAQ regarding laser hair removal:
Does my skin and hair color make a difference in treatment?
The laser’s heat source is attracted to pigment that is found in darker hair. Blonde hair does not have enough pigment to attract the laser’s heat, making treatments on pale skin with blonde hair unreliable. Please consult with our technician, since dermaplaning may be a better option for patients with light hair, skin, and/or vellus hairs (peach Fuzz).
How many treatments will I need?
Body hair grows, rests, and is shed in cycles that span about 6-12 weeks. Because of hair cycles, though an entire area will be treated with the laser, only a portion of your hair (about 30%) is in the proper cycle to be removed by the laser with each treatment. Initially, it is recommended that you undergo a series of 6 treatments at 6 to 8 week intervals to treat all the hair.
What should I expect before, during, and after my treatment?
The area to be treated should be shaved prior to treatment. You should not wax, Nair, pluck, thread, or have sugaring of the hair prior to treatment. The laser will be set with parameters which will take into consideration your skin color, hair color, the thickness of the hair, and the location of the hair. It is common for the area treated to have some redness and swelling of the hair follicles. This is “normal” and should disappear over a period of 12-24 hours.
Is laser hair removal painful?
The feeling of pain is subjective and therefore varies from patient to patient. Most people find it very tolerable. You will have the option of the Topical Anesthetic Cream to minimize any discomfort that might be associated with the treatment. Please let us know when you schedule your appointment that you would like the anesthetic cream so that we can allow additional time before your laser treatment.
Will insurance pay for these treatments?
Insurance does not cover laser hair removal.
This special will expire on August, 31st 2019! All treatments have to be paid in full in the month of August to receive the half off price.
If you are interested in our August special or have any questions please call 814-371-SKIN or click the “Request a Consultation” button on the top of the page. We will get back to you as soon as we can to answer any questions and schedule you an appointment.
For more information on Laser Hair Removal, click here!
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