
A popular and highly effective treatment for restoring a refreshed, glowing appearance to your face is “Dermaplaning”, an anti-aging procedure. Dermaplaning is a manual modality for exfoliating the outermost layers of dead skin cells which speeds up cellular turnover.

Dermaplaning is a safe, effective and painless exfoliation procedure. Your licensed and trained professional will lightly scrape along your skin’s surface, while holding your skin taut, to remove vellus hair (peach fuzz), dirt, dead skin and impurities from the outermost layers of your skin. This will stimulate fresh skin cell development.

The procedure involves the use of a 10-inch scalpel. The blade is used on clean, dry skin on the forehead, cheeks, chin, nose and neck. “You can expect to see an instant improvement in skin texture and tone, while the long-term effects are increased cell turnover, fewer wrinkles and dark spots  and the removal of fine facial hair.

Removing the peach fuzz is beneficial since the fine hairs trap debris and oils and give skin a dull look.  After dermaplaning, skin care products and treatments perform much more efficiently since they can penetrate the skin more easily. Your makeup goes on smoother as well.  It’s the perfect procedure to begin stacking other treatments as well, like a chemical peel or microdermabrasion.

There is no “down time” associated with a Dermaplaning treatment. Immediately afterward, your skin will be soft, radiant and silky smooth.  An additional benefit of this type of exfoliation is that it allows cosmeceutical products to penetrate your skin evenly and provide their restorative benefits.

This treatment includes cleanse, dermaplaning, and sunscreen. $100

Add Dermaplaning on to your facial or chemical peel for an additional charge of $50!!
